160616 STOWA EU-LIFE | P06 Themista and Ephyra | Dennis Heijkoop
160616 STOWA EU-LIFE | P06 Innovative Sludge Reduction (Themista and Ephyra) | Dennis Heijkoop
Download the pdf of the complete program with videolinks here: http://www.stowavideo.nl/pdf/160616/160616_Program.pdf
Download the pdf of the presentation with videolinks to the slides discussed here: http://www.stowavideo.nl/pdf/160616/160616_P06.pdf
Themista® is straightforward and sustainable technology for pretreatment of sludge. During a thermal/chemical process sludge is cracked, to increase the biogas yield of the sludge digestion process.
Ephyra® is a compact and sustainable technology for sludge digestion. The concept is based upon a plug flow digestion in which the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and solids retention time (SRT) are separated.